Certified environmental impact content

For each specific project, the environmental impact of the NPS® solution can be calculated in terms of CO2 equivalent and numerous other indicators, based on the official Environmental Product Declaration (EPD). This allows the planner and investor to compare the environmental impact of alternative structural solutions and make an objective choice.


The importance of Embodied Carbon

Until now, the focus has been on reducing the emissions produced during the use of the building.

However, it is estimated that more than half of the total carbon emissions from all the new global constructions between 2020 and 2050 will be due to embodied carbon and therefore emissions related to materials and building construction/renovation (source BuildingLife Roadmap).

It is therefore necessary to focus not only on the operational emissions of buildings and to start considering both operational and embodied carbon in an integrated way.

NPS® beams represent at the same time an economical, fast and sustainable structural solution.

Contributes to obtaining LEED and DGNB credits

The use of the Airfloor® slab, even more so when combined with that of NPS® beams and columns can contribute to obtaining credits for the sustainability certification of the building.

Tecnostrutture commissioned an external company to carry out an analysis on the contribution of NPS® products to obtain credits for building sustainability certifications.

This mapping is available for LEED and DGNB certification.


Benefits of airpop material

  • Airfloor® is a self-supporting floor with an airpop base that acts as a disposable formwork. Airpop is the new international name for the material known until now as EPS. Made up of 98% air, airpop is lightweight, yet resistant to 250 KPa of compression.
  • Insulation > is an effective thermal insulator. Thanks to its closed-cell structure made up of 98% air, it can ensure a thermal conductivity λ of less than 0.038 W/(mk).
  • Hygienic > it is an inert material so it cannot be attacked by fungi, bacteria or other microorganisms and therefore does not rot or go mouldy.
  • Recyclable > 100%.
  • Non-toxic > does not release harmful substances and is odourless.
  • Durable > Scientific and practical insights prove its quality. Airpop does not sublimate over time. Source aipe.biz
  • Water repellent > water absorption by total immersion in the long term is less than 4% (UNI EN 12087) and it has a high resistance to vapour diffusion.